Heather Shaff
MeetHeather Shaff
Heather Shaff is a cyclist, writer, and mom based in Boston. She's fascinated by all things growth, motivation, and learning... and will drop everything for chocolate ice cream.

From the mind of Heather

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{Restarting} the Loop: Understanding the Circular Nature of Time and Change

How do we change our behavior or bad habits? The answer is not by avoiding them, but by understanding what emotions and thoughts start us on the wrong path.

Heather Shaff
December 14, 2023
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POETRY: Dream State

There are no instructions for when you feel disoriented. But once you find out where the ground is, you can find your way back up again.

Heather Shaff
November 27, 2023
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The Trouble with “Good Vibes Only”

We see “Good Vibes Only” on shirts, signs, and content everywhere. But is this message as “laid-back” as we think it is?

Heather Shaff
November 20, 2023
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{Photograph}: Nostalgia for My 1983 Mixtapes

Heather reflects on her high school days, a simpler time when drifting into music was a rebellion and a revelation at the same time.

Heather Shaff
November 16, 2023
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POETRY: Dear October,

October has arrived, and with it, beautiful leaves that don’t fool us anymore. It’s not the bright colors, but the cold and dark that stays with you.

Heather Shaff
October 20, 2023
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Presidential Politics As Spaghetti Western

When Joe Biden and Donald Trump get their heel spurs dug in, this small, Wild Western town ain’t big enough for the both of ‘em.

Heather Shaff
October 5, 2023
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Hotline to Heaven

Looking for a direct line to access your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Try this super convenient hotline to heaven and dial your party’s extension.

Heather Shaff
September 13, 2023
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The Top 10 Vices for Housewives

What do stay-at-home-moms do all day? Indulge in their vices and worst behaviors, of course! An insider’s look at housewives.

Heather Shaff
September 6, 2023
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{My Bad}: Honoring and Adjusting to Preferred Pronouns

Becoming more open and understanding about gender identity is a learning process. And we all make mistakes. Let’s be gentle with ourselves and others.

Heather Shaff
June 23, 2023
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