Kelaine Conochan
MeetKelaine Conochan
The editor-in-chief of this magazine, who should, in all honesty, be a gym teacher. Don’t sleep on your plucky kid sister.

From the mind of Kelaine

Prompt Images

Beautiful Inconvenience, or Why I Love {Thunderstorms}

The sound, the fury, the power. No matter how well you plan, sometimes you’re going to get stuck in a thunderstorm. And we love that for you.

Kelaine Conochan
July 4, 2024
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{Strangers} with Opinions: That Lady from the Company Picnic

We tell kids “don’t talk to strangers” to keep them safe. But at her aunt’s company picnic, a stranger talked to Kelaine, and she never forgot the message.

Kelaine Conochan
April 10, 2024
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Torture & Nostalgia: Your Gym Class Square Dancing Unit

In elementary schools throughout suburban New Jersey, kids were forced to square dance during gym class. And you know what? It was weirdly awesome.

Kelaine Conochan
March 22, 2024
Prompt Images

The {Broken} Finger: A Case for Being Human

After a wild pass in a pickup basketball game, Hector has a broken finger. But what he doesn’t have is health insurance. Is that a crime?

Kelaine Conochan
March 12, 2024
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This Just In:{ God Has Resigned }

Irma. Earthquakes. Harvey. Wildfires. North Korea. Charlottesville. Trumpism. How many more signs will it take to recognize the obvious?

Kelaine Conochan
March 5, 2024
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{Explode the Moment } That Time I Got Hit by a Car in a Crosswalk

Hey! Kelaine Conochan is walking here!

Kelaine Conochan
December 13, 2023
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Trapped in Pink: Bedroom Walls in My {Least} {Favorite Color}

As a kid, Kelaine hated the color of her bedroom walls because she was never really a “pink” kind of girl. Looking back, she now knows why.

Kelaine Conochan
November 16, 2023
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How the {Selfie} Ruined Your {Photo} Collection

For many, the Age of the Selfie means overdocumentation and oversharing of every moment. Others have stepped out of frame and out of focus. But why?

Kelaine Conochan
November 9, 2023
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Franklin Mills {Mall}: School Shopping or Torture Chamber?

School shopping at the Franklin Mills Mall was a summer tradition in the Conochan household. Kelaine recounts the trauma and triumph.

Kelaine Conochan
August 31, 2023
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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