Heather Shaff
MeetHeather Shaff
Heather Shaff is a cyclist, writer, and mom based in Boston. She's fascinated by all things growth, motivation, and learning... and will drop everything for chocolate ice cream.

From the mind of Heather

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(Dis)obeying the {Sign}: Rules, Scofflaws, and Consequences

How adherent should we be to the rules? A reflection on our individual and collective responsibility, and why bad things happen to good people.

Heather Shaff
June 8, 2023
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How to Age Gracefully: Youth, Beauty & Bullshit

Want the latest amazing tips on aging gracefully? Well, maybe you should look elsewhere. If you want that youthful glow, you’ve got to let go.

Heather Shaff
May 19, 2023
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The Upside of Being {Upside-Down}: How Crashing Can Be Beneficial

Heather had 3 bike crashes in one year, leaving her upside down and full of fear. But what she gained is worth all the pain and strife.

Heather Shaff
March 23, 2023
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What I Discovered When I Stopped Drinking

It may not be an easy decision to stop drinking, but from this writer’s experience, the lessons learned and the upside are worth the work.

Heather Shaff
February 22, 2023
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POETRY: Caught

Time comes for all of us. But there is that seminal moment when we look into the mirror and for the first time see our mother’s face.

Heather Shaff
January 23, 2023
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{Get In Line}: The Road to Hell is an Endless Wait

Your call is important to us. Your estimated wait time is ___ minutes.

Heather Shaff
January 20, 2023
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Excerpt from the {Top Secret} {Santa} Files

Intelligence agencies have finally caught on that perhaps this Santa Claus chap isn’t quite as innocent and benevolent as he seems.

Heather Shaff
December 19, 2022
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{Self-Destruction} & The Secret to Keeping Secrets

Viv’s been keeping secrets hidden for as long as she can remember. But the biggest secret of all is how her life is unraveling in ways that no one can see.

Heather Shaff
December 16, 2022
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Dear Gun Enthusiast: An Open Letter to an Open Conversation

Gun control is a dicey topic, but that doesn’t mean we should shy away from talking about it. Here’s an open letter about guns and gun control.

Heather Shaff
November 15, 2022
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