Prompt Images

Dinner with {the Top 3 Stepdads from History}

You know who doesn’t get enough credit? All the power stepdads out there. Calling George Washington, Joseph of Nazareth, and Caitlin Jenner—Benihana awaits!

Jack O'Shea
February 28, 2020
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The Genie’s Fine Print: {Dinner with 2} {People from History}

Per our new Tom’s Shoes model, genies grant 2 wishes to you, and donate #3 to someone in need. Time to reconsider your request for dinner with 3 people.

Josh Bard
August 9, 2019
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Abe Lincoln, Len Bias, and Robin Williams {Walk into a Taqueria}

If you got MK’s invite, you are in select company, amigo. A president, basketball prodigy, and comedic legend prove that everything is better with tacos.

MK McWeeney
February 9, 2017
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A Meal of Grave Importance: {Dinner with 3 People from History}

“You must hold a dinner for the 3 most important American historical figures,” says the ghost. “Your soul hangs in the balance.” This might be a long night.

John Barnes
February 6, 2017
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{Chris, Chris, and Chris}: My Dinner Party for {3 Superheroes}

Hemsworth, Pine, and Evans: 3 beautiful actors over for dinner and a bit of honest career advice. There’s more to life than superheroes.

Jillian Conochan
February 2, 2017
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{Dinner with My 3 Clones}

This dinner’s not big enough for the 3 of us. Wait, four of us? Five? With so many Jay clones at the dinner table, not all of them can survive.

Jay Kasten
February 1, 2017
Prompts, Wildcard
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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