V. Buritsch
MeetV. Buritsch
A freelancer, fiction writer, podcast listener, fantasy reader who sometimes remembers to write for herself on occasion. She has a BA in English and Management, and currently lives in the Pacific Northwest.

From the mind of V.

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Tales of Grimwood: Spark and {Thunder}

Arcadia has always wanted the power to harness and create thunder. Now, as she meets skygiants, she finally gets her wish.

V. Buritsch
July 5, 2024
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How to {Reset} Your Mind After a Psychotic Break

Experiencing psychosis is often scary, but there is a pathway back to feeling your new normal. Here’s an insider’s look at the experience.

V. Buritsch
June 5, 2024
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{Ghostly} Ambitions & the Mysterious Sickness: A Crimson Tears Story

A mysterious sickness has stricken Lady Antinov, leading her to seek out a tricky treatment from the ghostly doctor.

V. Buritsch
October 30, 2023
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Elevator Ride: The Car Crash You Never Saw Happening

After a car accident, Alfred finds himself in an elevator with the man who seemingly caused the crash. What an absolute nightmare.

V. Buritsch
October 13, 2023
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{Why I Write}: Listening to the Voice Inside, Even When It’s Scary

Sometimes we don’t choose to write, but instead writing chooses us. Your voice is powerful and demands an audience.

V. Buritsch
July 3, 2023
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{Vengeance} Is Mined

Let this tale be a lesson to us all: be careful with the seemingly harmless servants who have weapons and tools for hands.

V. Buritsch
March 10, 2023
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The Idealized Universe of “What Could Go Wrong?” {No Bad Ideas}

In a world of ideas, some are bad, some are good, and some are neither. But they all require reflection…

V. Buritsch
November 8, 2022
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The Surprises I Found in {Vault} 66

It’s quite an unexpected adventure inside the vault at the library. You never know what ghouls or characters you may find there.

V. Buritsch
August 31, 2022
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POETRY: {Tramp Stamp}

Who are you to judge the tattoo on someone’s lower back? Maybe it doesn’t mean anything to you, but there’s real beauty there.

V. Buritsch
April 29, 2022
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