Jay Heltzer
MeetJay Heltzer
Jay Heltzer writes attention-challenged fiction, plays bass trombone, digs sloppy fountain pen sketches, and is in pursuit of the perfect cheeseburger.

From the mind of Jay

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Summer Means Making {Popsicles} Whether You Like It or Not

Reflecting on summers of his youth, Jay brings us back to camp, where the memories and popsicles are refreshing and light.

Jay Heltzer
August 17, 2022
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An Incomplete and Growing List of Types of People at the Airport

Bags packed? Going somewhere? Well, not before you clear TSA and head to the gate. These are the countless types of travelers at the airport.

Jay Heltzer
August 11, 2022
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To Dads & Memories: {I Know} {Where I Was} {When}

Two bar patrons couldn’t be more different until one of them asks a question and they find common ground.

Jay Heltzer
August 1, 2022
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When I Greeted the Next Day…

The latest in The Prompt’s “Our Politics are Fucked” series, exploring the many ways it felt and feels to come to grips with our new political realities.

Jay Heltzer
July 5, 2022
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{Mop the Floor}: The Dreamy Life of Captain Janice Bookface

A woman finds great adventure in the mundane chores of her dull life.

Jay Heltzer
June 24, 2022
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Steve Has Questions and Concerns (About {Who’s In Charge})

A man walks into a house of worship with concerns about the world around him and finds a bit more than he anticipated.

Jay Heltzer
June 7, 2022
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Land of the Free, Home of the {Algorithm}-Manipulated Shopping Experience

One man’s search for a simple carry-all turns into a character blast of conservative proportions.

Jay Heltzer
May 18, 2022
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{My Bad}: The Spirit of Course Correction

When you get the chance for a single do-over on your life, will you pick the right moment to change everything?

Jay Heltzer
March 31, 2022
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In Mourning at the {Scene} of the {Crime}

The mystery was established in the form of a Facebook post by a grief-stricken brother. The suspects remain at large.

Jay Heltzer
March 24, 2022
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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