Heather Shaff
MeetHeather Shaff
Heather Shaff is a cyclist, writer, and mom based in Boston. She's fascinated by all things growth, motivation, and learning... and will drop everything for chocolate ice cream.

From the mind of Heather

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Creating a Circular Economy: Why Can’t We {Recycle} like the Dutch?

The United States has always wanted to be a world leader. Well, now’s the time to act, rethinking an economy built for sustainable growth.

Heather Shaff
April 27, 2021
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POETRY: The Art of Embracing Unimaginable Things

These are some strange times. The way we’re living is, for many, almost unimaginable. So, what to make of it? How will you decide to live?

Heather Shaff
March 24, 2021
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POETRY: Winter

Life. It could all be so simple, couldn’t it? Staring out the window as snowflakes go by, who is to say what brings life meaning?

Heather Shaff
February 24, 2021
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The Biggest, Best Gift (You Can Give to Yourself)

What is the best gift you can give yourself? The good news is it doesn’t cost a penny. The better news is it will change your life.

Heather Shaff
December 22, 2020
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POETRY: Casualties of War

It’s easy to disregard, to discount, to dismiss those who you don’t know or understand. But is your value judgment a moral authority? What’s your worth?

Heather Shaff
December 15, 2020
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POETRY: Lessons in Thermodynamics

You seem not to notice the fire raging quietly within her. But try not to stand too close, because it’s burning hotter than you could handle.

Heather Shaff
November 25, 2020
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POETRY: Face Time

Following the CDC guidelines is easy, but it doesn’t mean we have to like it. Wearing a mask means we can’t see what’s beneath it. We miss that face time.

Heather Shaff
November 17, 2020
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POETRY: Regeneration Dreams

The human heart is fragile and slippery. It’s hard to hold onto, and even harder to heal. So how do we cope? What do we do? What do we become?

Heather Shaff
October 22, 2020
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Fear may seem like an indomitable and destructive emotion. But what if you harnessed it? What if you used your fear for good?

Heather Shaff
September 15, 2020
About The Prompt
A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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