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The COVID-19 crisis has made it impossible for Hollywood to move forward with production of shows and movies. So, now is the time for aspiring screenwriters to work on developing their big story. And yet, instead of doing that, I am coming up with ideas for Hallmark and Lifetime movies set in the climate of quarantining, self-isolation, and masks. That’s okay, right? Am I okay?

Six Feet Apart

All Kat needed from the grocery store was a bag of lemons. Stuck in line behind talkative and sarcastic Jack, they spark a connection while waiting to get into the store. After running into each other in the checkout line, Kat decides to take a chance, and gives Jack her phone number. Will Jack text Kat back, or go back to playing video games with his roommates for nine straight hours?

Masks Off

Marion goes for a run at the same time every morning, and sticks to the streets she knows will be empty. But for the last few days, she’s seen a handsome stranger on the other side of the street. At least, she thinks he’s handsome… he’s wearing a medical mask. After watching him watch her, Marion works up the courage to run up to him and introduce herself, from six feet away, of course. The stranger turns out to be Marion’s high school boyfriend, Charlie, who is now a doctor at a local hospital. Will these high school flames rekindle things in the midst of a global pandemic?

Essentials of Love

Claire is a postal worker. Rico is a grocery store clerk who handles the mail for the store every day. As their work schedules become increasingly demanding, the pair will form a bond that’s unbreakable. When Rico finally asks Claire on a date, they remember that no restaurants are open and there’s nowhere to go… which leads to a date walking around the city at night, looking up at the stars. Will they be able to make it once they stop seeing each other every day?

Face to FaceTime

Frustrated with dating apps, Amelia decides to delete them—for good. But right as she’s about to move the last one to the trash, she gets a mysterious message from a total hottie. Could this guy be the one? Amelia and Jason talk for a few days, then agree to a FaceTime coffee date. Amelia wonders…what’s the catch with this guy? And will it really matter if they ever meet in person?

Cowork from Home

Daisy hates her job, especially her coworker Paul. But when Paul comes to her apartment to fix her at-home monitor and phone setup, an order comes down from her city that everyone must stay inside. With Paul stuck in her space, Daisy has to find a way to keep her sanity. She can’t help but notice how cute Paul is, despite his horrible attitude. Could there be more chemistry between them than she previously noticed? And how long will they be trapped… together?

Love Takes Flight

Brad is a pilot who just wants to lay down some roots. Rachel is a flight attendant saving up for grad school. When only one passenger shows up for a cross country flight between New York and L.A., Brad and Rachel connect over bad airplane coffee and pretzels. But there’s just one problem: Rachel is engaged, and her fiancé wants to just go to the courthouse already. Will Rachel take flight from her previous life to find out if what she has with Brad is real?

Forever Home

Emily has always wanted to foster a dog, and now seems like it might be the right time. With shelters everywhere struggling to care for their canines, and Emily indefinitely working from home, she decides to bring home a rambunctious pup named Felix. There’s one person who isn’t thrilled with the new man in Emily’s life: her downstairs neighbor, Evan. Evan keeps complaining about Felix running across Emily’s floors and barking. But once Emily invites Evan in for a drink and to get to know Felix, Evan learns his bark is worse than his bite. And, Emily isn’t too bad, either. Will Emily get to keep Felix for good? And will Emily and Evan become each other’s… “forever home?”

I have to stop with these, or else I’m going to start going to a dark place. Please, let us get out of quarantine before I have to do another post about A Very Corona Christmas, coming soon to Hallmark.

Erin Vail

Erin is the 2003 West Reading Elementary Geography Bee champion, a TV obsessive, and never not thinking about Buffalo sports.

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