Thomas Viehe
MeetThomas Viehe
Thomas Viehe prefers pop over soda, loo over toilet, fall over autumn. He lives with his wife and dog in a remote part of the country, Washington, D.C.

From the mind of Thomas

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How to Run a Marathon (for People With No Business Running a Marathon)

You signed up on a lark. But now, you’re kinda locked in. Don’t worry. You got this. This is how you run your first marathon.

Thomas Viehe
April 29, 2022
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Alexa, Do Robots Dream of {Days Off}?

Alexa may know a lot of things. And Watson may know all knowable things. But neither of them truly know why robots don’t get days off.

Thomas Viehe
March 21, 2022
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An Incomplete American History of {Breakups}

America, say something. I’m giving up on you.

Thomas Viehe
March 3, 2022
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{Get Lost}: An Incomplete And Growing List Of People I’ve Lost Touch With And Would Like To Get Back In Touch With But I Really Don’t Know Where To Start Or If The Effort Will Be Worth It

It’s easy to lose touch with people who are important to you. And it’s also easy to get back in touch… for a short period of time. But then, how?

Thomas Viehe
December 2, 2021
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I Gotta Escape the {Lazy River} of the Evening, But It Keeps Pulling Me Back In

Many of us spend our nights drifting out to a sea of social media posts, autoplays, and binge-watches. But there’s more to life than this lazy river.

Thomas Viehe
October 18, 2021
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What Deodorant Customers Think about the Opposite Sex Based on their Commercials

Deodorant commercials are sweaty. And sexy? And cheap. What do advertisers think you really want?

Thomas Viehe
August 18, 2021
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{Lovefest} Among Friends: The Sweetest (Olive Garden) Thing

A Valentine’s dinner for single friends hardly seems like the time to kickstart a romance. But at the Olive Garden, anything can happen.

Thomas Viehe
June 28, 2021
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An Oral History of the Cleveland Browns {Vanity Plate}

What if I told you that a vanity plate almost saved a city?

Thomas Viehe
August 12, 2020
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Trump Declares Hot Dog a Sandwich

Thomas Viehe tells the tale of a man so drunk with power, he holds nothing sacred.

Thomas Viehe
February 26, 2020
Politics, Pop Culture
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